Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Dot

In my K-2 classes, I try and find a book to go with every lesson. I read The Dot to my Kinder class and we created three different lessons based on it. For this particular lesson, they focused on value. First, they drew their own dot, taped it anywhere on the page, and then painted around the dot using blue, black and white. They loved how the blue changed colors when adding white or black.

Texture Draw and Fill

The First grade class has been focusing on each Element of Art and this lesson had to do with Texture. They drew any kind of picture they wanted, but of course they loved my example so much so there were lots of mountains and houses. After they drew their picture they had to tessellate it and then they were free to color in using texture rubbing. I really let them use their creativity and imagination for this lesson. Sometimes I find it hard to say "no" to their wonderful ideas!


Oh how I love Kindergarten art. They LOVE everything you make in art and they work harder and more quietly than any other grade! This month we have been focusing on shapes, and for this particular lesson they created cities or the community they live in using basic geometric shapes

The Color Wheel

Part of my 5th grade art curriculum is a color wheel. This project was definitely a challenge, because in 5th grade you start to become way to cool to listen to directions! However, this project turned out very successful for most students and they learned a lot. I have to be honest, that coming into a school where students in 5th grade have no idea how you create purple is kinda scary, but I've learned that not many people do know what colors you mix to get out secondary colors.